FortmcMurray First United Church

Sharing of Gifts

Sharing Our Gifts: "And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every god work." 2Corinthians 6:8.

The offering is a part of every service: it is an opportunity for us to respond to what we have seen and heard and to share what we have been given. We acknowledge that our offerings are in the form of money, and the time and talents we can offer.

The money that is offered is used in a number of different ways. Out offerings fund the life and work of this congregation, including staffing and building operations. Our offerings also help the Mission and Service (M&S) Fund of the United Church of Canada, that supports various missions and ministries in Canada and around the world. This congregation also benefits from the M&S Fund because we are considered a mission church!

Funds can also be designated to go to the Clergy Housing Fund, which was established in 2009 to help support the housing needs of ministers who move to Fort McMurray.

We make our financial offerings in several ways: through weekly envelopes, some people choose to make their offerings through PAR (pre-authorized remittance). Many find this a convenient way to support the church because money is withdrawn directly from their account. This also helps the church maintain a consistence in our funding, especially during the summer months and other times of the year when people are away on Sundays.

We issue Income tax receipts for any financial contributions to the church although we need your current address to do this.

Many people here at First United also offer their time and talents for ongoing work and for specific tasks.

Every Sunday morning, we have greeters, musicians, lay readers, people who count the offering, others who make the coffee and do the dishes. These are all opportunities to be involved in the ministries of this church.

As with our homes, our church building needs to be cared for, and we are thankful for those who are instrumental in cleaning and maintaining our space and getting involved in special projects. This is also an opportunity for anyone to share their time and talents.

If you have a gift to offer, let us know by giving us a call or sending us an email